Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Make Custom Voip Apps With Agi Ami Ari With Rest API And Db Integration


Hi, I am Kumail. I will develop any VoIP application based on your requirements, with Node js.

My services include:

·       Dynamic IVR development.

·       SIP call routing between internal and external servers based on RFC3261 & RFC3665.

·       STT & TTS VoIP apps.

·       Automated robocalls & survey development.

·       Custom dialplans.

·       GUI based Outbound calls.

·       Live Radio Streams with GUI.

·       DTMF based application development.

·       SIP/IAX Trunking.

·       SIP provider integration with Asterisk.

·       Custom CDR logging.

·       SMSC integration.

·       IVR along with SMS services.

·       Kamailio configuration as SIP proxy for IBD/OBD.

·       Free-PBX configuration.

·       Vicidial configuration.

·       Vicidial inbound/outbound setup.

Before you place an order on my gig, please contact me. So, we can discuss your project specs in detail. You are always welcome and feel free to contact me anytime.


: : : : :

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