Monday, June 10, 2024

Create A Funnel In Kajabi


*Please message me before placing your order.

A funnel/pipeline is based on your end goal and who your audience is. The most effective flow will be:

One Opt-in page where you send a freebie in exchange for their email address. It redirects to a thank you page + an email sequence. An email sequence is used to nurture those who have opted-in before you send them to your sales page. From the sales page, you link your checkout pages and then redirect to a thank you page + a thank you email. A thank you page will help your email deliverability & reputation as you will instruct them to check their email to know their next steps.

You can also have a webinar pipeline where you have your registration and a confirmation page. An event will be triggered with the event details. The webinar link will be in the event email. You can host your pre-recorded in Kajabi. A live webinar can be in your Kajabi but it needs a code to embed from Zoom, YouTube, or the likes. You can then send them to the sales page after the webinar.

Please message me if you have more clarifications and questions and I will be happy to address them and get started! :)


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