Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Build Your Kajabi Website And Do Anything In Kajabi


### Please contact me before ordering to review your project ###\

I will help you develop your online school through Kajabi, Teachable or Thinkific.

We can also use WordPress for your blog and main website & connect to your online course.

What I DO:

- Website development

- Link your custom domain/subdomain DNS to your school
- Content uploads

- Curriculum structure

- Sales/Landing pages

- Translations of text/audio/video content to Spanish (my native language)

- Fixes on your current websites

- Small wordpress developments for your school

- Setup of your email service provider
- Sales funnels and email sequences

What I DON'T DO:

- Content creation

- Custom graphic or web design

Please feel free to reach out to me to discuss your project, I might be able to help you in one way or another, I always respond my messages :)

Also, you can be confident that my clients are my first priority, I try to never let down anyone as I wouldn't like to be let down, I treat my clients as I'd like to be treated.

Please check my reviews to know more about me


: : : : :

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