Monday, July 31, 2023

Be Your Virtual Assistant For Wordpress Shopify Wix Squarespace


Virtual Assistant saves your Time as well as Money


My Services as a Virtual Assistant


★ Website Manager

★ Website Migration & Backup

WordPress, Shopify, Wix, Squarespace, and any other CMS management

★ Daily Blog Publish

★ Daily Event Creation

★ Keep web site Updated

★ Create new pages, forms

★ Clone web site

★ Shopify virtual assistant 

★ Wix website with eCommerce functionality

★ WordPress update

★ Squarespace store 

★ Manage store as a Shopify virtual assistant

★ keep wooCommerce WordPress update

★ Store of Wix website keep updated 

★ Squarespace with full eCommerce functionality


Platforms I use


★ WordPress

★ Shopify

★ Wix

★ Squarespace

★ Mailchimp


Why Me


➤ I will be very friendly with you to contact

➤ I am able to work as a full-time virtual assistant with you

➤ I don't use any automated software to maintain social media accounts

➤ I am very confident in conversation which you will understand in the first meeting

➤ I always work for clients' satisfaction.




Best Regards

HM Sarwar


: : : : :

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